Wednesday, September 10, 2008

doughnut shop

well, here is my doughnut shop again, it is revised after getting a lot of help from people on acme. i had a lot of fun painting it and i am guessing it probably will need more revisions.... yep.


shiraz said...

The redo is tons better!! Me likey

shiraz said...

The redo is tons different! Me likey

Jon Mendez said...

I haven't seen your stuff since the end of last semester and I must say... wow. You've made considerable jumps in skill over the past few months. I love how this piece is turning out. It's quite moody and brooding. :o) Can't wait to see the finished peace, mang.

diaper huggies and hersey's kisses.

rebbaz royee said...

thank you for your comments boyz.